May 23, 2023

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Culture eats strategy for breakfast
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast."
Peter Drucker, American economist

When was the last time culture helped you achieve goals in a change management process?

I can assure you, it was the driver of the process. Without culture, how do you even get acceptance of a step in change management. With our endless stream of change and opposing priorities, attacks on our daily work load from viruses to vitriolic discourse received from loaded up and fed up customers and staff, how do you even start to change culture?

With a smile. With polite words and manners. With reminding everyone around you they matter to you.

Remember when you last received excellent customer service, or a positive few words from a stranger? It made your whole day better. And, you thought about that for some time.

Make other people think about you and the service you deliver for quite some time. Encourage them to then pay it forward and deliver their best service to others.

Healthcare IS a customer service industry.

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